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Our Management System
Affirming its commitment to its values and seeking to continuously improve its processes and services, Porto Seco has a global management system focused on results, including management in the following areas:
  • Quality
  • Property security
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Information security
Security in the supply chain The entire system was structured to an international standard, combining the well-known service quality of Porto Seco Centro Oeste with the security of logistics operations.

“To provide integrated logistics services in accordance with the applicable requirements, combining continuous improvement and innovation” (ANQ. 02 – 10th Edition Revised and Approved on 10/04/2017).

To comply with this motto, investments in the acquisition of modern equipment, optimization of facilities and training of the team are spared, which today has recognized technical capacity in logistics operations. The result is quality assurance and the development of integrated and customized solutions for the storage and handling of the most different cargo profiles.

With the constant objective of acting ethically, responsibly and preventively, Porto Seco Centro Oeste created a whole policy focused on security management.

Through it, the company made a commitment to identify and assess security-related threats, implement operational controls to manage and reduce risks to an acceptable level.

The policy also includes the provision of a working environment with safety conditions in the ISO 28000 standards, through protection against injuries or damages to people, facilities, information, properties and image, which are essential to successful driving and growth. continued business and, as a direct consequence, the business of its customers.

The continuous search for excellence has led to the achievement and maintenance of three important certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 28000 and Army Registration Certificate.

Since 2006, Porto Seco Centro Oeste S / A has been working with a high quality management system in the provision of services, by complying with the normative criteria of ISO 9001 (certification based on the provision of services with high quality standards).

In 2011, the company had its Internal Market segment (sector designed to work with national cargo), audited and certified with ISO 9001, becoming the first and only dry port in Brazil to have certification in all processes.

As of 2015 the company reaches a new level, being the first Porto Seco and the second organization in the country to achieve ISO 28000 certification (certification based on the security of the logistics chain with a high degree of control).

Finally, the company obtained authorization from the Brazilian Army to store controlled products. The Certificate of Registration (CR) obtained in 2016, attests that the company has the ability to work with products that for various security reasons require high control and expertise.