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Internal Actions

Fabrício Tavares Coexistence Station: Space dedicated to employees and also to truck drivers who circulate through the company. Designed to encourage culture, leisure, quality of life and entertainment, the Station has a complete structure with a snack bar, lan-house, cable TV, medical center, toy library, cinema, games room, children’s playground, locker rooms, laundry and area green, with native species from the cerrado.

On the Health Route Project: In celebration of the National Health Day (10/08) Porto Seco holds a day of activities dedicated to the health of the employee. On the occasion, vaccinations, medical preventive care (pressure and glucose measurement), occupational gymnastics, educational lectures and relaxation and leisure exercises take place.

International Women’s Day: Every year a lunch is specially prepared for the employees.

Vale card convênio: Este é um benefício que possibilita ao colaborador realizar compras em vários estabelecimentos comerciais, via convênio, com a possibilidade de quitação à prazo, com desconto em folha de pagamento.

Vale card alimentação: Possibilita a efetivação de compras de alimentos para a família do colaborador, retirando o peso dos descontos.

Plano de Saúde: O Porto Seco oferece plano de saúde para todos os seus colaboradores, custeando o pagamento integral das mensalidades. Assim, a taxa nas consultas e exames médicos é reduzida.

Seguro de Vida: Ao integrar a equipe Porto Seco Centro Oeste S/A o colaborador passa a participar de um seguro de vida gratuito. A indenização assegura auxílio aos familiares em caso de eventual infortúnio.

Food: Employees, who are part of the staff, have their meals at the company. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are offered to those who work during business hours; in addition to dinner and snacks for those who are part of the night shifts. In addition, during overtime activities, the company offers the necessary meal to all employees present.

Schedule of Courses and Training: Porto Seco encourages and enables continuous professional recycling, enabling and paying for various courses and training.



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